How Wellness Program Works in a Company
Autor: David Yu • August 26, 2016 • Essay • 1,873 Words (8 Pages) • 1,143 Views
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Project Title: Academic Research Essay
Program: Postgraduate diploma
Course: EAP Advanced (PG)/PG320
Faculty responsible: C. Cavin
Assessment Title: How wellness program works in a company
Due Date: Monday 26th October
Due Time: before 23h00
Name: Zhijian Yu
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How wellness program works in a company
Do your employees participate in a wellness program? Do employers entice employees to join in a wellness program? According to Carlson (2014) wellness programs have changed from 1960s to the present in the United States, companies determine their own wellness program based on their own conditions. Nowadays, many employees already have at least one wellness program in their company. A lot of companies talk a lot about having a wellness program, but actually, very few of them know what a real wellness program looks like, and even fewer decide to do something meaningful about it (Lawson, 2014). This program can confuse employers and make it hard to decide to have a wellness program or not in their company. Bottles (2015) discussed both sides of the argument that wellness program save money for employers or not, wellness program can be proved in the long term that it makes money for employers if more research and date were provided. Actually, a win-win situation happened between employers and employees when the company implement a wellness program. Reducing tangible costs in the area of healthcare, disability, absenteeism and worker’s compensation have benefit for employers. It is also good for employees to learn to form a healthy habit in life (Abdullah,2012). Comparing the issues about the wellness program, wellness programs are useful for companies and necessary. Wellness program are becoming more widespread throughout the world. Companies deserve to have their own wellness program, because there are three important reasons; first, it can make employees healthier; second, wellness program works in a company and it is necessary whether is big or small. Last but not least, wellness programs can help companies save money.