Media Log for Fotoshop by Adobe
Autor: raean • October 6, 2015 • Essay • 493 Words (2 Pages) • 1,096 Views
Casiño, Raphaelle Antoinette R. ENGLCOM A58B
11405384 Media Log
The director of the advertisement "Fotoshop by Adobe" was clearly anti-photoshop as seen in the way he presented photoshopping in a very satirical manner, like in how he mentioned that using that product would render someone unrealistically attractive and virtually unrecognizable because of the many tweakings made by all the editing.
The fallacy committed here is exploitation of strong feeling and attitude. He or she, it seems, aims to make the audience get the idea that photoshopping pictures yield undesirable effects like unrealistic beauty standards. One can infer from this that unrealistic beauty expectations can cause many people especially young women to have a lower self-esteem and just be overall unconfident with their appearance. Resort to ridicule is also detected in this advertisement because instead of attacking the concept of photoshopping by presenting a logically correct argument, it uses ridicule or humor with the use of much exaggerations and comedy to show how photoshopping is not a good thing and should not be used so often.
Although the advertisement has a lot of good points I can’t say that I completely agree with what the advertisement is implying. Personally, I think photoshopping is not necessarily a good thing but it is not a bad thing either. It is only unsettling that people can sometimes get affected by things that they are not meant to be affected by. They get hurt by petty things that really shouldn’t hurt them at all in the first place and it is all because they let themselves be affected by them like for example, the controversy of gay marriage. There are a handful of straight people who would argue that gay marriage is wrong and immoral and that being gay alone is a disgrace but they should not even be affected by the concept of gay marriage because after all they are straight and thus it should not be a problem to them. The same can be said in photoshopping. I say if somebody wants to photoshop their face then let them. And if they don’t, then that would be alright too. It really should not even be such a big deal. Perhaps people are just so easily offended by even the smallest things so much that they often forget to pay attention to the real problems.