My Life Experience
Autor: Blkstorm209 • September 20, 2015 • Essay • 591 Words (3 Pages) • 1,096 Views
My Life Experience
Christopher Lawrence
ENG121: English Composition I (PTD1531I)
April Michael
My personal life experience, is dealing with my family, jobs and illness. I grow up with my mother and stepfather. Who I didn’t have much love for. He was a good provider. But as a little one and the oldest, I didn’t care much for him. I lost my mom to cancer. I can’t think of anytime, that she was not there for me and my siblings. She was a GOD fearing woman. When she pasted it felt like my world had ended. I know that she is better off, where is now. My family consist of twin boys. That where adopted when they were nine years old. They’re now 24, I’m so proud of both of them. Sometimes I wish we were still as close as we were when they were littler. As I said I’m the oldest of seven. Three boys and four girls. Sometime I feel like, all the pressure is on me to keep, our family together. But it’s hard. When everyone has their own families.
I would like to talk about my health issues. Having Congested Heart Failure, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea. Talking about it is much easier, then doing something about them. I was diagnosed in June 2006. It been a long fight, but I keep on fighting. Not ready to give up, but there has been time, I wonder why life goes on this way. But I remember my sons and I keep going. The Doctors say lose weight and that will control, the Diabetes. I try with very little success.
I listen to my Doctors and try to do the things that they tell me to. But again it’s hard at times. By getting in a routine would be great. But getting started, where does one get started. But hopefully soon I will get started on this exercise thing. The sooner the better, I think.
I live for my sons, and my four grandchildren. Three boys and a pretty little girl. Sometime I’m very alone is a problem. I need someone that can and will motivate me. Sometimes I get depressed, but come out of it, almost as fast as I went into it. But sometimes it sad to feel lonely. I have friends that I don’t associate with as much. Just moving to Houston, will solve that issue.
My sons are 24 years old now, and have two kids each. Jamaal has a son and a daughter. Jameel has two sons. But I wished, we lived closer to each other. One lives in New Mexico, the other in North Carolina.