Persuasion to Get a Quad Bike
Autor: Gegodahab1 • November 18, 2015 • Creative Writing • 312 Words (2 Pages) • 771 Views
Invitation to collaborate and reconsider,
I do acknowledge that this is my final attempt to persuade you to reconsider the thought of purchasing a quad bike; as this is my final attempt, I will give you a thorough thought out argument that will hopefully change your mindset.
Targets, smart targets, mine? A spectacular year, thats my target: however targets come with rewards, rewards push me to give it my best at everything I do. You may not know this but my prize was the quad bike, I would've thought that it would’ve been easier to persuade you, furthermore the spectacular report, and the ongoing practice to improve ideology, not to mention the “Celebration Of Success”.
Nevertheless, great gifts and rewards come with great responsibility, and everyday I strive to show you the maturity I posses and the ongoing responsibility I portray. Ask yourself this, doesn't he deserve it?
Safety, huh, thats my middle name (Galal Safety Abou El Dahab), danger is everywhere nonetheless we ask god to keep us safe, speed limits decreases the risk of harm; I myself am not a daredevil and I aspire daily to stay safe and keep all around me as safe as I possibly can. I know that we’ve talked about this before and it's a closed door for you, it is my duty to try one last time, in order to not fail myself or live in doubt. Ask yourself how many people you know ever failed to stay safe in a quad biking related accident, hopefully none, god keep everyone safe.
Happiness isn't what I venture as a priority, its our families happiness and your admittance before anything. Think of the time it took me to try to persuade you and the time it took me to research to find an available quad bike, take all that and the above into consideration.
و الله الموفق و المستعان
Yours Truly,