Taking Control of Marijuana Abuse
Autor: zschmidt • July 13, 2013 • Research Paper • 2,051 Words (9 Pages) • 1,358 Views
Taking Control of Marijuana Abuse
People are born with ten fingers and ten toes. They have twenty four ribs, two lungs and one heart with four chambers and a body that is 70% water. All of those pieces add up to one and only one body in this life time that cannot be replaced. With the advances in medicine and science there is now a good possibility that close to anything within the human body can be replaced except for the body itself. Only one body for the spirit and unique person that God created is granted so it is important that the body that is received is taken great care of and not taken for advantage. Unfortunately that is not the case with people who choose to put unknown and foreign substances into their bodies. Blow and go or the ever popular ‘YOLO’ has corrupted the minds and the lifestyles of this generation. So willing and so eager to try new adventures and give into the pressure of peers that it changes who they are. Society has created a class of people that feels free to do whatever they so desire without looking upon the consequences or even knowing what is in the particular substances they are choosing to put into the one body that has been given. The majority of teens and adults who choose to use marijuana or other narcotics are completely unaware of what the drug actually is or how it will affect the body, the mind, and the problems that could be potential caused in society. People must choose to first and foremost abstain from the use of any narcotics or drugs particularly marijuana, but if the choice is made to partake in such action, then education and understanding needs to take place beforehand so that the risks and rewards can be weighed out and calculated for the use of the drug.
Marijuana is one of the most commonly used illegal drugs in the United States. According to Mr. Danovitch of the McGeorge law Review, “nearly one-third of the population has used marijuana at least once” which is a daunting number considering the total population of the united states (Danovitch & McGeorge 92). Before it can be examined for its effects on the body and mind, cannabis must be understood from a biological level. Marijuana is a product of the cultivated plant “Cannabis sativa” and is most commonly used for its dried leaves which are crushed up and smoked (Danovitch & McGeorge93). Part of its chemical makeup includes a substance known as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. It is believed that THC is the main “psychoactive component” within the drug but researchers are not completely sure of the entire functions within its chemical makeup (Danovitch & McGeorge93). Through the consumption of this drug, “THC that is absorbed causes the syndrome of intoxication by stimulating cannabinoid receptors in place of anandamide”, this causes the user to experience a ‘high’ of sorts that includes but is not limited to relaxation, altered perception of time,