The Day a Little Part of Me Died
Autor: Kaya Shetty • September 19, 2016 • Creative Writing • 572 Words (3 Pages) • 980 Views
William James said, “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an incomplete task.”
Unfortunately, it is basic human nature to push aside an undesirable task for a more desirable one, be it completing homework or going to the dentist or in my case, Apologising to a loved one. Not confronting your task, doesn’t make it go away.
He was a beautiful man and although we were not related by blood, he seemed to be a father, brother, best friend and teacher to me. Sanjay was the man who taught me how to be passionate about things and how to really fight for what I believe in. Of course to an outsider, this would seem clichéd but nothing was a game with Sanjay. He was pure at heart and his mind was a technicolour wonderland that inspired me to be myself, unafraid of what Society thought.
It was a rainy Saturday and I had just stormed out of Sanjay’s house. We had had a small, insignificant disagreement about a small, insignificant thing. But the argument was intense enough for me to leave his house, furious. The fight had gotten heated and we had been shouting at each other, but there was no space for me to be rational, I was filled to the brim with anger.
I knew I was in the wrong. My mother told me to go to his house and apologise; she said that the relationships I form at this age will grow with me and they will in the end, prove to be the most important. My childish ego got in the way, and I said that I would go back next week to apologise.
There was always an excuse; I would say that I would email him soon, that I would call him when my phone was charged, or I would go when the driver reported to work. But weeks passed by and I did not heard a word from him. Or perhaps he was just testing me.
I always thought there’d be enough time to patch things up with him tomorrow. But that tomorrow never came. One afternoon, I came home from school and my mother was waiting for me at the door with tears in her eyes.