Vandal Case
Autor: winnieping • September 12, 2013 • Essay • 1,080 Words (5 Pages) • 1,108 Views
Teenagers are the generation that will colour the future. They are exposed to many things that can affect their behaviour either to be the good person or not. Nowadays, we can see there are many problems among the teenagers, especially the social problem. Gangsters and vandalism are the example of some of these problems. Nevertheless, the heavier problem among teenagers nowadays is vandalism. According to “Vandalism,” (2008) “vandalism is the intentional abuse, damage or destruction of any portion of someone else’s property or common or shared property such as our residential facilities, furnishings or public property.” Why teenagers tend to become a vandalism because they try to express themselves, seek for attention and they tend to follow their friends behaviour
It is a known fact that the problem that cause teenagers involve in the vandalism is they desire to express themselves. It may happen because they are having a problem in their life and they do not have self-esteem to face the problem. Sometimes parents are not concern to them and it might cause the teenager involve in a bad behaviour. So that, they want to express their feeling by get involve in vandalism. It can result the bad problem to the teenager and also can considered bad in the eye of society. It became more serious when the teenagers rebel in the society.
Secondly, the problems that always leads teenagers to do vandalism is they want to be the attention seeker. It is maybe their parents did not give enough attention to them due to a lots of work to do or even their parents is kind of parents that not care about their children.It is because parents nowadays have a bunch of work to do such as doing the house chores, manage their childrens and their commitment to their work and society. In order to get back their parents’ attention, they will do the vandalism, so their parents will give attention to them. Vandalism can be harmful if we not prevent it from the earlier. According to the DirectGov (n.d), the effects of the vandalism is costs you money which is you need to pay for vandalism repair through higher taxes and insurance payments.
Next problem is teenagers tend to follow their friends behaviour. If they are friends with the person who has a bad attitude, they will be influence by the negative things. For example, nowadays we can see most of the public amenities had been destroy because of vandalism. Although the criminal had been caught they still do the same things. They tend to believe that they are correct but unfortunately it vice versa. Besides that, teenagers often do not think wisely before they take an action. They always think to have an enjoyable moment with their friends without think about the consequence of what they have done. As an example, teenagers will never say ‘NO’ when their friends ask them to do an amazing thing without thinking the effect that they will faced next. Other than that, teenagers do