Ancient Mexican Names
Autor: sayuriespinosa • June 17, 2014 • Essay • 995 Words (4 Pages) • 1,362 Views
I am Cuauhtémoc, or in English falling eagle. My name represents the deep thinking, clarity of belief, and cooperation amongst a diverse group like my Calpulli. Like an eagle in dive, I am focused and ready for the challenge, I am about to endure my spirit is high and my heart is hungry. Named because of the eagle’s spirit, which is cunning and quick yet powerful and unwavering. I control all around me and have insight on much of the land like an eagle. My spirit is free, much like the lifestyle I live. I do not worry about death because I know it is saved for a later time. Mother earth guides me and provides for me, although I use the sky to travel, the earth provides for me. I look at life much like the eagle does observing all of the land and its people, but I am still able to focus when it comes to striking moments that make me both observational and efficient. Mother earth takes care of me allowing me to rest and hunt on her, while I repay her with so little. She provides me my life and in return I give her my praise and glory. My name represents day 15 on the 20-count system with the god Xipe Totec the god of fertility who was the deity of life-death-rebirth who ensured us of our new vegetation and good harvests.
Ocelot: Nahuatl term for cat
My name is Ocelot. I have chosen it because it defines who I am. Ocelot is a Nahuatl term, which refers to a cat. My name represents the ability to be independent, wise, protect, and the ability to fight when concerned. Like a cat I observe the life around me. The other creatures that seem to pass my way I find intriguing. I am quite, and I am ready to pounce at any time. I back down from no fight, I am ready to fight and not give up. I can only rely on myself for survival, like Mother Earth. I rely on no one, I am my own army. Like a cat I am aware of my surroundings, and am ready to protect whens something is uncommon. I roam in unknown places, one with Mother Nature. I trust Mother Nature she guides me and provides for me. Without Mother Nature I would have no place to hunt, I could starve to death. Without Mother Nature I would be lost. Like a cat I am curious, I am intrigued by mystery and new surroundings, but I am also cautious. The earth is my playground, and it is my feeding ground. I look forward to every day, and am I excited to see what Mother Nature has to offer. My species has many cousins; we all came from the same place, mother earth. We have all learned to evolve, and adapt just as the Earth does throughout the seasons. Only the strong are capable of evolving and keep up with Mother Nature, hence why my species still