Cherokee Indians
Autor: Marcearrow Bruce • April 4, 2016 • Research Paper • 530 Words (3 Pages) • 793 Views
Marcearrow Bruce
February 26, 2015
SOCA 235
Dr. Rezek
Journal Assignment #3
The Native American tribe I picked to research is the Cherokee Indians. Cherokee Indians were one of the five largest tribes. They are from the Iroquoian descent. Many people think that these Indians live in tee-peas, but they actually lived in cabins made out if logs.
The Cherokee Indians were highly religious and spiritual. When you first look, it seems to be complex, but it is actually quite simple. They believe that the world was created at the time of the new moon of autumn and see the sun of a type of worship. The Cherokee pray to the sun to bring many good things in their life such as good health and lots of crops. They also believe in life after death. If a person action in good manner through out their life, than they will go to a place (one of the 7 heavens) where light and pleasant existed. If they action in a bad manner, then they go to a place where they face torture.
For many centuries, these Indians focused their government on serving the town and its people. There were different 2 types of government among every town. The white government governed the village when at peace, and the red government, governed during war. They were affiliated three types of groups and they are the lower towns, the middle towns, and the upper towns. Chiefs lead each of the two government. The white government chief is called “Beloved Man” and along side him was the chief’s advisor, counselors from each clan, a council of elders, a speaker, messengers, and ceremonial officers. The red government chief is called “Great War Chief” and along side him was he Great War Chief’s Second, seven war counselors, a War Woman, the Chief War Speaker, messengers, ceremonial officers, and scouts.