Dbq Han and Roman Attitudes Toward Technology
Autor: AngelicaM • March 28, 2013 • Essay • 610 Words (3 Pages) • 2,468 Views
Between the time period of the first century and early second century B.C.E technology influenced people throughout Han and Rome. The wide spread and productive use of water power was a technological achievement and the effects of the workers as shown in these documents. The Han and Roman had both negative and positive perspectives towards technology in social, economic, and political views. It would have been helpful if these documents included more information about technology from the lower class because they might had a different perspective in technology.
To begin with, the social, economic, and political views on technology during this time were negative as shown in documents 2 and 5. Document 2 talks about a Han government official saying that before the state took over the iron and salt trade, workers were well paid for constructing tools and that salt was sold for a low price but then after these tools became useless and salt prices arose and caused for everyone not being able to afford salt. This document shows a negative effect because technology advanced leading to higher prices and by tools becoming less valuable. Document 5 also shows a negative perspective because it talks about a Roman political leader saying how skilled workers have been working in horrible conditions and how the attitudes of these workers have changed. This document has a negative attitude because it shows how technology has changed the ways of ones work. I think these documents are all negative because they all show effects of how technology has over powered many distinct possessions.
In addition to social, economic, and political views, they also have a positive perspective which are shown in documents 3, 6, and 7. Document 3 shows us about a Han philosopher who talks about a mythological wise emperor called Fuxi who invented the pestle and mortar which was used to grind and how it was increased in society. Also, how the possession of animals and water