The Battle of Marathon
Autor: theangrytexan • February 15, 2017 • Term Paper • 623 Words (3 Pages) • 790 Views
World History 1
Short Answer-Identifications (5 points each)
For this part, pick THREE terms and explain: what does the term mean or what happened? Who was involved? Roughly state where and when. What is the importance of your term to how history happened? Use complete sentences. Other than that you can type it out however you wish.
The Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon was fought between a Persian naval force of over 600 ships that had 20,000 infantry and cavalry and a force of around 10,000 Athenian hoplite soldiers. (Eyewitnesstohistory) The battle took place on the Plain of Marathon in late summer of 490 B.C. The battle is very important in European history because the victory of the Greeks against the Persian force gave the Greek city states confidence in their abilities. A legend stems from the story of the battle that states that a messenger was sent from the battle field with news of the victory to Athens. The messenger ran the whole way, 26 miles, in about 3 hours. When he reached the Athens city center he spoke the word Nike, which means victory, and collapsed to his death from exhaustion. Today our modern marathons commemorate this legend.
The Punic Wars
The Punic Wars is a total of three wars that took place between Carthage and Rome between 264 and 146 B.C. At the time they were thought to be the largest wars ever fought. Rome won all three wars and was subsequently viewed as the most powerful naval force in the Mediterranean.
The Olmecs
The Olmec civilization is a Mezoamerica civilization that came before the Mayans and Aztecs. The Olmec culture is known to have developed sometime before 1200 B.C. and declined around 400 B.C. The Olmec people were located in the southern Gulf Coast of Mexico. The Olmec culture was very important to civilizations that followed them like the Aztecs and Mayans. Both of these cultures adopted aspects of the Olmec culture. Large carved stone heads remain as parts of the Olmec culture and can be seen at various museums and sites around the world.