World History
Autor: Karl Suico • August 3, 2016 • Term Paper • 2,315 Words (10 Pages) • 1,227 Views
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BSEd – English III D
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Having a high position in a company or an organization is like wearing a crown. One may seemingly be very powerful because he or she is wearing a crown but in return, the head suffers in pain because of the weight of the crown. This symbolizes the famous quotation which says, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The same goes to the situation of Mr. Meynardo Lumcad, a vice-principal of La Loma Elementary School, who was advised to be promoted as the principal of the said school by Mr. Gabriel Canonigo, the general director of the school. He was put to this place because their recent principal was already promoted to a higher rank.
Being promoted to a higher position is a great opportunity to any individual. Indeed, any worker’s aim in his or her career is only to have a progress in his chosen career and that means to encounter a promotion for a higher rank. Hence, it is considered as a blessing to Mr. Lumcad to have such opportunity. But the problem is that, La Loma School is currently facing problems in different aspects because it is in the state of adjusting to the new implemented curriculum which is the individualized instruction from the previous one which is the lockstep instruction. This innovation’s main objective is to educate children for the future and not for the past. Furthermore, it foresees that the students will be self-directed learners by being responsible for their own individual growth and for their own learning. This means that each student will have to work at his own pace. In line thereto, there are a lot of things to change or renovate in order to successfully adapt to such changes.
One of which is the problem on the budget needed for the expenses of the school’s renovations and mimeographs. Because of this serious condition that La Loma School is facing, Mr. Lumcad is hesitant and confused if he will accept the promotion or not; if ever he will be convinced by it, then what will be his prior actions to arrive to the solutions of the school’s problems.
Originally, La Loma School used to have a system called, lockstep method, wherein the teacher is the one who plays as the controller of the students’ activities. This means that the students are ‘locked’ into the same activity. As cited by Longman (2002), lockstep teaching is a situation in which all students in a class are engaged in the same activity at the same time, all progress through tasks at the same rate. Thus, it is somewhat similar to the role of the teacher in Traditional Grammar Method and in monotonous learning.