Wwi Life in Trenches
Autor: Semies Xia • May 26, 2015 • Case Study • 1,094 Words (5 Pages) • 1,138 Views
Trenches WWI
Life in Trenches
There was nothing glamorous about life in trenches , there were only fear, dangerous and miserable. First, the soldier in the trenches living with the death daily. The death by the enemy shelling. When the enemy constant shell fire the soldier and there is many body lounging in a trench or lying in a dugout, some even burn to death. The death by sniper, all the soldier learn to curb their natural to no mans land. Many man didn’t listen and they pay the price with their lives. Last but not least, the death caused by disease. Second, there were many health problem and disease. Rat were every where in the trenches, there were two main types of rats in trenches, the brown and the black rat. One pair of rats will produce up to 900 offspring in a year. The most horrid thing about them is they will climb themselves on dead human body eating their eyes and liver. Lice is a never ending problem, about 97% of the men in the trenches are infected with lice. Also, there is frogs, they are found in the small holes and also found in the base of trenches. The frog mainly brought “Waterborne” diseases. Lastly, smell, the smell you will never image in the smell it will be your nightmare after all. The smell of rotting flesh, the dead body was every where many died in the shell holes that filled up with water, and sink in the mud. Overflowing latrines, the men would try to fill these in and dig new ones but didn’t work really well. Because after a little period of time thereafter a little period of time there will not a room left . Lastly , the humanity, you can smell the man hasn't been wash for weeks, months, the smell of the cigarette smoke. Now, you can clearly see how the soldier in World War trench life is.
Trenches WWI
No Man’s Land
No man’s land could be the most terrifying of places in World War I.
No man’s land is the ground between two opposing armies, and in No man’s land there is so many barbed wire. Barbed wire, was invented for agricultural fencing and it was first used by British army. It was use to protect the trenches. Barbed wire was a terrible nightmare: men and horses will becomes so caught up in it that they could not get free. The horse could be alfu damage to themselves in the wire. The leg would not heal and became infected and the horses would have to be shot. In the No man’s land they will use the new modern weapons. It seem like a lot of action No man’s land would be full broken and abandoned military equipment. After an attack No man’s land would also contain a large number of bodies. Across No Man’s land was always very difficult, the soldiers did not only have to avoid being