5 Ways to Improve Your Grade
Autor: ypatrick • June 2, 2013 • Essay • 457 Words (2 Pages) • 1,539 Views
5 Ways to Improve Your Grade (Rough Draft)
1. Build good Study Habits. When stepping into high school you’re faced with many different subjects and their countless vocabulary definitions that you may not remember all the information after your first lesson. Studying helps you retain that information for the period in which you are studying the information and almost guarantees you a better grade. Though it made be boring or takes too much time you should get used to studying so that it does not seem like such a daunting or arduous task.
2. Don’t Cheat! Cheating, though I hate to say, is a pretty common act between the mass of students. Even if it may help you get a better grade on that one test you forget or couldn’t study for, you don’t retain the information long enough for it to be useful. This usually ends with a much lower grade on the review tests (finals, midterms, etc.) and a much more devastating impact on your grade, so do yourself a favor and just study for the test. Cheating only prolongs the inevitable unsatisfactory grade.
3. Take all opportunities. What I don’t understand is why students deny the opportunities given to them when there is no apparent chance of a lower grade. For example, in this very class I see students that deny the opportunity to retest their unit test for a chance at 100%, why? So that you have one less hour of work in one school day. I’d rather retake the test and get a couple more percent that can only benefit my grade. So don’t be lazy and sit around because you want to take one less test that year.
4. Prioritize. There is no getting around the grading system except for doing the work. I can guarantee you that most teachers are not there to try to make you fail. If you have free time fill it with some studying, finish an assignment that is due in a couple of days, or do something productive. Many students in the school own smartphones, so I advise that they