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A Synopsis of Plato’s Republic 473b-480a: Philosopher

Autor:   •  January 10, 2016  •  Study Guide  •  1,903 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,220 Views

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A Synopsis of Plato’s Republic 473b-480a: Philosopher

Tat Leung Ip

0. Preface

Philosopher as Ruler 愛智識者作為統治者 (473b-474b)

If not either philosophers become rulers or the so-called rulers phi¬loso¬phize, and thus the power of politics and philosophy coincide, there will be no recuperation from evil for the cities and the human race, and the [best] polity (politeia) will never come forth from nature and see the light of the sun.


What (or who) is Philosopher? 愛智識者何所是?(474b-480a)

1. Love and Philosopher (474c-475c)

A lover loves the all (panta) of his beloved. A desirer desires the all of that which be-long to the form (eidos) of his desired. A philosopher (philosophos) loves the all of knowledge, [desires the all of that which belongs to the form of knowledge.]

愛者愛所愛之全體(panta),欲者欲所欲形相(eidos)下之全體。愛智識者(phi-losophos) 求智識之全體【,欲智識形相下之全體】。

2. Knowledge and Philosopher (475c-479d)

2.1 Truth, Form and Philosopher 無藏、形相、愛智識者 (475d-476c)

2.11 Truth and Philosopher無藏與愛智識者 (475d-e)

Lovers of seeing love [seeing colours and shapes.] Lovers of listening love [listening to sounds.] Philosophers (lovers of wisdom/knowledge) love seeing the truth (alētheia: unforgotten-ness /un-concealment).


2.12 Form with respect to One and Many, Being and Appearing 就一與多是與弗是言之

形相 (475e-476a)

Each form (eidos) is (einai) one (en), but since forms are everywhere phantasms (phantazomena) in community (koinōnia) with actions and bodies, and with each oth-er, each of them appears (phainesthai) as many (polla).

每一形相(eidos)是(einai)一(en);然藉與行動及軀體及互相之共羣(koinō- nia),形相到處為呈現者(phantazomena),故每一皆顯現(phainesthai)為多(polla)。

2.13 Form and Philosopher 形相與愛智識者 (476a-c)

Lovers of listening love beautiful sounds and lovers of seeing love beautiful colours and shapes. Their thinking-through/conception (dianoia) is not able to see (idein) the nature (physis) of the beautiful


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