Autor: Debra Hudnall • November 30, 2016 • Essay • 2,393 Words (10 Pages) • 858 Views
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Key Concepts
II. Primate Fossils:
- Describe the process of fossilization and the circumstances that provide the best preservation of material.
- Organism dies
- Body is preserved through:
- Rapid permanent burial-protects organisms from scavengers and elements. Stable environment
- Anaerobic conditions-without oxygen. Waterlogged sites.
- Sediment accumulation-layers of soil, protects from elements
- Absence of heat and compression
- Mummification-anaerobic conditions, extreme cold. Air flow. Constant wet/dry environment.
- Ideal circumstances- sediment under water. Lakes, rivers, marshes. Anaerobic.
- Lithification-turns soft sediment into rock. sediments compact under pressure, expel connate fluids, and gradually become solid rock.
- Premineralization-minerals in sediment replace minerals in the skeleton. Skeleton dissolves, Mineralized copy.
II. Describe the ways in which sites are located and excavated.
- Site are located
- walking across a landscape and looking for artifacts
- research ground work
- Talking to people
- Dig holes
- Surveys
- Excavated
- prepare a research design.
- Remove vegetation
- Establishing the grid is a key step.
- Dig trenches in between grids
- Number the grids
- Record keeping
III. Identify the different dating techniques (chronometric and relative), the time periods they work best for, and the type of material that is dated.
- Relative dating method-no exact dates.
- Stratigraphy- studies rock layers (strata) and layering (stratification).
- Fluorine dating-the lower the strata, the higher the fluorine level
- Seriation (cultural dating) -artifacts from numerous sites, in the same culture, are placed in chronological order.
- Biostratigraphic-identification of fossils found within sedimentary rock strata as a method of determining the relative geologic age of the rock
- Absolute dating (chronometric dating)- gives specific dates.
- Radiocarbon dating- Used to date anything with carbon (bone, wood, seeds, charcoal, shell, etc). A couple hundred years to 50,000 ya
- 14C dating
- Dendrochronology-tree ring dating
- Potassium-Argon dating- 100-4.3 bya
- Volcanic rock
- 40K/40Ar dating
- Dates to last time object was heated.
Paleomagnetic dating relies on the periodic reversal of the earth's magnetic poles
- Paleomagnetic reversals-
- Dates metallic grains in sedimentary and volcanic rock.
- Only used with other dating methods.
- Amino acid racemization-40 kya -180 bya
- Organic material
- proteins are examined under high magnification using polarized light
- Electron spin resonance-2000 ya-300 kya
- Limestone, coral, fossil teeth, mollusks, egg shells, bone-calcium.
- Thermoluminescence-20 ya-800 kya
- sediment, pottery, rock.
ii. measures time since sample last heated.
- Fission track dating-beginning of earth.
- dates glass-like rock
IV. What characteristics define the primate groups identified in your chapter (9)? Know the physical characteristics, geographical spread, and time period for each.