Financial Impacts of Disasters
Autor: vivek • October 14, 2011 • Case Study • 4,136 Words (17 Pages) • 1,968 Views
MSc in Accounting 2010/11
Module: BMA0029
Research Methods in Accounting & Finance
Dissertation Research Proposal
Research Supervisor: Richard Crossley
Student Name: Vivake Anand
ID number: U1078253
Introduction 3
Literature Review 3
Disaster management: 4
Financial and Economical Implication of Disasters 5
Disaster Profile of Pakistan 7
Droughts 8
Earth quacks 8
Cyclones 8
Floods 8
Disaster management in Pakistan 9
Aim 10
Objectives 10
Research Questions 10
Research Design and Methedology 11
Primary Data 12
Secondary data 12
References 13
Appendix A (Time Scale) 15
Appendix B (List of abbreviation) 16
Disasters are not new to world. History suggest that, world has been facing different disasters form very beginning, but twenty first century has proved worse than ever in terms of disasters. Despite of improved technology and better disaster management styles, disasters have caused more financial and human losses in last few decades (Meissner et al., 2002, Kumar, 2000). In last three decades disasters have caused estimated financial losses of US$ 12.5 trillion and killed more than 0.6 million humans around the world (EM-DAT, 2011). Impacts of disaster vary from country to country and from disaster to disaster. Countries with strong economies suffer from much financial losses and tend to recover quickly. While, developing countries bear both economical and human losses and face difficulties to mitigate disaster impacts in long run. Natural disasters like droughts and flood destroys agricultural, fishing, farming and human made disasters like war, terrorism disturbs everyday business and social life, leaving a negative impact on the economy of a country. According to Popp (2006), long term financial impacts of disaster on a country’s economy;