Gen 200 - Procrastination Case
Autor: andreaw2008 • March 5, 2012 • Term Paper • 853 Words (4 Pages) • 1,458 Views
Andrea Weldon
GEN 200
July 25, 2011
Shante A Brown
The problem that I face in my day-to-day life is procrastination. I procrastinate about almost everything from getting out of bed in the morning when the alarm clock goes off to doing household chores, or paying bills. I can always find something that I would rather be doing with my family. I have been a procrastinator all of my life. Many years ago when I was in high school I would wait until the day before a book report was to be turned in before I would even begin reading the book; therefore, I would be up all night or even miss the next day of school just to finish the book. Also at work I have a large amount of papers that need to be scanned into the computer, but I do not enjoy scanning so my stack of papers keeps growing. I am constantly telling my son not to procrastinate concerning his homework or school projects and the sad part is that I am not a good example for him to follow. Also, as a new student myself, I have a tendency to procrastinate because of the uncertainty in how to approach the current assignment. I want to resolve this problem of procrastination so that I can be a better student and much more organized.
First, to work on overcoming procrastination I went to the library to see what kind of information was available for dealing with this problem. The library had a large amount of information to help someone overcome procrastination. One article that I found broke down overcoming procrastination into three steps: envision the future effects, prioritize, and take the first step (Horn, 1996). These three steps are useful no matter the situation whether a person is procrastinating on an assignment or a daily exercise routine these steps can be put to use. The first step in overcoming procrastination is to envision the future effect; I can see a future where all assignments are in on time and without undue stress. The second step is to prioritize; make a schedule for everything and stick with it unless there is an emergency. The third step is to take the first step; by admitting that procrastination