Sexuality and Development Case
Autor: Evelyn Sherrill • July 27, 2015 • Essay • 1,101 Words (5 Pages) • 1,216 Views
Sexuality & Development
Evelyn Sherrill
July 20, 2015
Paula Alvarez
Sexuality & Development
In this paper, an interview will take place between an LBGT community member and myself about how sexuality affects their development. McGlodrick, Carter and Preto (2011, Chapter 8) “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) have been members of families of origin, families of choice, and families of creation throughout history” (p.1). During the interview, the discussion will focus on three main questions. First there will be a discussion on the LGBT member’s self-identity, next the perception of their community, lastly what impact has same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community.
LGBT can happen at any age in a person life and during any stage of the life cycle. With that said they still have to go through the coming out process that is to start and let people know that they are part of the LGBT community. For some people, this is not an easy thing to do because they know that they are going to be look at differently. As a nation same-sex relationship and marriage have gotten tolerated, but it still has a long way to go before it can be accepted. Then not everyone will accept it because of their belief, but as a person there is no way to change who someone choices to be their significant other. No one should judge someone else because of who they love everyone has the choice to be with the person that will make them the happiest.
When interviewing Sammy about his sexuality he informed me there is various stage a gay person will go through the same way as they do in the life cycle. There was a brief discussion that a person can figure out at any stage of life what their sexuality is such as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. However, this is a very confusing time because they are not totally sure of their sexuality. During this time all he knew, is that he had feeling, thoughts, and attraction to the same-sex at an early stage. At first Sammy denied that he was gay because of all the confusion and people talking about him. Sammy found him comparing himself to others around him no matter what their sexuality. By doing this, it helps Sammy to accept himself and his identity. Once he figured out his self-identity, then he could begin to tolerate himself, and then start to seek out others with the same morals and belief. At this point, he needs to realize what resources are available to help him cope in society. Coming out is the hardest part for Sammy he feared telling his parents because he felt they would disown him. Sammy knew that people were going to judge him, but a true friend would stand by him and accept him. The first step is to accept yourself, and then the community will begin to tolerate the different sexuality to the best of their ability.