The Evaluation of Contigency Approach
Autor: yarzarul2000 • November 15, 2011 • Essay • 266 Words (2 Pages) • 1,781 Views
the evaluation of contigency approach
according to management writer Tom Lupton (1963):
"It is of great practical significance whether one kind of managerial style or procedure for arriving at decisions,or kind of organisational structure,is suitable for all organisations,or whether the managers in each organisation have to find that expedient that will best meet the particular circumstances of size,technology,competitive situation...."
in other word
Every organization and situation is unique
-->there is no single best way to manage
-->specific techniques and managerial concepts must be applied in different ways and in different combinations to achieve organizational or departmental effectiveness
Eg:GM motor
advantages and dis advantages
awareness of contingency help us in :
+identify and define the particular circumstances of the situation (well-structured problems and problem that requiring a unique solution)
+devise and evaluate appropriate ways of handling them
+encouraging responsiveness and flexibility to change
well-structured problems-->Rules and policies
Problem that requiring a unique solution-->Risk,uncertainty
-->solve problem in a group situation
Advantage :
More complete information
More alternatives are generated
Acceptance of solutions are