Theory of Knowledge Essay
Autor: anasmustafa • June 4, 2017 • Essay • 665 Words (3 Pages) • 771 Views
Name: Anas Mustafa
Grade: 11 A
Subject: Theory of knowledge essay
Teacher: Hinad Hout
Language is a system of communication, it’s a human ability to communicate using sounds, words and grammar, its considered a way to express your emotions, thoughts and even beliefs, and also it can express art, as language and art is both considered a communicative acts also, there is many arts that relates and needs language to be completed, such as poetry,literature which is a way to express your emotions through language.
Moreover, art can be related and linked to many areas of knowledge, such as art, as people can use art in language to express the inner thoughts or emotions, such as literature and poetry, as a poet can use art in language to convey a message, or even it can be related in paintings as people understand a piece of art depending on the language they speak all over the world. An example on how the language is related to art is maybe the quote " a picture is worth a thousand words" as this quote fits well into the discussion, as the artist may want to tell a thousand words in his language, but he tells the message with a single art piece. Other example is in non-representational abstract art, where the artist "speaks" with a less obvious "vocabulary".
Language can affect art in many ways, as language can influence artists to draw certain art pieces, as for example, as recent researches has shown that different cultures around the world differentiate and understand the different colors in many different perspective than others, as for example, cultures perception will not all understand the meaning of redness the same as others, and when the certain culture decide where to categorize the meaning of redness in life and what it means, here comes the role of language in affecting art. So this is how art pieces is different between different cultures that speak different languages because these different artists from different nations understand the meaning of the colors different, depending on the language they speak and communicate with. And also there is an evidence to prove that the recent researches are true, and its that if the human distracted the left side of the brain which is responsible of the language processing, why that we will find it more difficult to differentiate between colors, but if we distracted the other side of the brain which is the visual side of the brain, we will find no difficulty.