Theory of Knowledge
Autor: zrahimi • July 23, 2015 • Research Paper • 547 Words (3 Pages) • 972 Views
Ways of knowing
Though the methodology of Marxism we learn about class system and class struggles. It also provides a historical window into private vs. public ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. Marxism has evolved from its initial form and has branched into different types methodologies such as Stalinism, Maoism, and Leninism. All of these could be branched under socialism.
Perception: Marxism believes that in order to create a historical change a class struggle is needed. Also, Capitalism will ultimately be superseded by communism. This perception creates a utopia as people believe it can permanently remove certain types of suffering.
Emotion: Marxism encouraged class consciousness and freedom for vulnerable. People who look at the system as unfair are frustrated and angry towards government because they do not have control over their wealth. Many uprisings have proved people’s negative feelings towards Marxism for example U.S.S.R.
Reason: "Marxist Ideology" suggests that labor has economic value. For example, a factory cannot run without workers and the machines need manpower to operate them. The profit margins depend on labor only. Since workers are the only producers of goods from scratch to end, they should benefit from all income, or at least from most of it.
Language: Language manipulates a person's perception of the facts when they are learning history. Marxism stirred a revolution in the world and turned many countries into communism. Marx’s Das Kapital is still widely used in many parts of the world as an influential work in the field of economics.
Biography: A biography is a detailed description or account of someone's life. The lives of great human beings are essential to understanding society and its institutions. The biography helps us to learn and understand history of those people who initiated, implemented and participated in historic events and efforts, as well as those who were affected by these efforts. Today, a growing number of people have decided to write either an autobiography or biography about someone else. Also, the traditional literary forms of biographies have been taken over by multimedia forms such as CD-ROM, online libraries, and archives.