Want a Better Job? Find a Mentor - Article Review
Autor: felixtc7 • December 19, 2013 • Article Review • 1,477 Words (6 Pages) • 1,343 Views
The first article is entitled, Want a better job? Find a mentor. This article was taken from Reuters off the internet and was authored by Chelsea Emery. The article starts out with a testimonial by the current chief executive officer of Campbell Soup Co. She stated that the right mentorship in her early-career made her who she is today (Emery, 2012). Next, the article covers specific benefits that having a mentor can do for you. The article states, “mentors can help you navigate sticky office politics, teach new skills or even put your name forward when new positions arise (Emery, 2012).” The article also speaks about that now in modern times, mentors have now started relying on their protégées also. The article continues on into the first section labeled, “It Takes A Team,” where it states that not only is it recommended to have a mentor but that it might even be necessary to have more than one mentor. The article reports that you should, “identify different mentors for different needs (Emery, 2012).” The next section of the article is entitled, “Never Too Old.” The main point that this section of the article is making is that no matter how old someone might be or how high in an organization someone is, a mentoring relationship will pay dividends for the individual and company involved. The final section of the article has the heading of, “Tech Support.” This section of the article spoke on how the use of technology can assist both mentors and mentees with items they are tasked with. The article from Reuters spoke about a how a communications officer of Royal Philips was able to use a company application called ConnectUs to request public-speaking advice (Emery 2012).
The other article I looked at and read on the topic of mentoring was from the website, experience.com and was entitled, “Finding a Guide: The Value of Having a Professional Mentor.” Dana Hagenbuch was the author of this informative article that starts out the same as the first article and stating how having a professional mentor will help your career prosper. The article states, “in any field, having a professional mentor can help individuals develop and advance their careers (Hagenbuch, 2013).” The article is broken into four different subsections, the first one being labeled, “The Growth of Mentoring in the Social Sector.” This section focuses on telling the reader how mentoring has grown recently in the corporate world. The article stated, “according to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development, 75% of private sector executives said that mentoring had been critical in helping their current position (Hagenbuch, 2013).” The next section of the article labeled, “Why a Mentor” spoke briefly on some of the items that having a mentor can do for your career, some of them being giving the mentee access to greater information