Bill Murray
Autor: simba • March 8, 2011 • Book/Movie Report • 887 Words (4 Pages) • 1,843 Views
The premise of the movie is that Bill Murray must put others before himself in order to move on with his life. The whole movie is symbolic of the Journey everyone goes through in life. In groundhog day the character Phil Conner‘s journey makes him realized who he is not someone that's just hates everything he encountered. The journey took Phil places and events he thought he was never capable of. Phil goes through this cycle of emotions and he felt good about and wanted more of it. The Transformation of his personality and his character leads to him is able to begin the next day. This confrontation leads him to being a better person. Self observation brings one to the realization of the necessary change to one's self and you can see it through these sources: Groundhog Day, Journey of the Maji, and kubler roses- grief cycle.
As a child, or immature person, it's all about what we want. As we grow and integrate into the world we must put aside our selfish desires to be part of a bigger whole. Phil doesn't think of other people's feelings. When he hurts people he thinks that he can go back and fix it but it doesn't work like that. Like T.S. Elliott said in his poem "There were times that we regretted". Phil feels like he is a prisoner in this town and day by day he finds out that he is really a prisoner of himself because he won't be himself. In the movie when he finally accepts who he is and his condition he says "When Chekhov saw the long winter, he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope. Yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life. But standing here among the people of Punxsutawney and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts, I couldn't imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter." He finally see's that there are more important things in the world than him. Also in the wake of realization he asks himself, is this what everyone thinks of me and not as someone who is as appreciate as everyone else is. Also he reminds himself that because of his attitude he really could not move forward with life like he wanted to.
The Kubler-Ross grief cycles shows how realization makes a person better. In the movie Groundhog Day the main character goes through all the cycles of grief. He first experiences shock and he is in denial that he even has a bad