Does “gangster” Rap Promote Violence, Influence Teens to Engage in Illegal Activities and Encourage Homophobic and Misogynistic Feelings?
Autor: adavisjr95 • October 20, 2013 • Essay • 734 Words (3 Pages) • 1,394 Views
Does “Gangster” rap promote violence, influence teens to engage in illegal activities and encourage homophobic and misogynistic feelings?
THESIS: Gangster rap does not influence teens that some illegal things are cool and it doesn’t promote violence, because for the most part they are just rapping about their own life experiences before they starting rapping. Rappers also use some offensive language because thats how they were raised and in the black community a lot of it is acceptable so its all they know.
PROPOSAL: I chose to talk about gangster rap and the effect, if any, that it has because I think gangster rap is the interesting type of rap. Also because most of my all time favorite rappers were known as being gangster rappers. There is also a lot of information and articles out there about gangster rap and the impact it has on society, more specifically the youth, and most are about it being bad for young kids to listen but I disagree with most of that so I’ll be able to add some interesting points that most people probably wouldn't think of. I’m also a teen so I can relate to it more than an adult could because there looking in from the outside but I’m looking from the inside. I plan on researching arguments for why it does have a negative impact so that I can find points to go against that and find reasons why some of it is a little extreme. The only problem I see myself coming across is that there are so many articles and stories about how bad gangster rap and not how it doesn’t correlate with these things. Also not a lot of people are out there making academic journals that really examine and analyze it for what it really was.
When writing this research paper I would start off by elaborating a little on the type of influence and what I mean by violence, then go on and state my thesis. Then give brief description of my arguments. My first argument would explain what gangster rap is and the problem that most people have with it. Then describe how most, if not all, gangster rappers grew up in low income neighborhoods where you could die any day if you weren’t