Food, Inc. Case
Autor: banana217 • April 1, 2014 • Case Study • 373 Words (2 Pages) • 1,202 Views
Food, Inc.
“Food, Inc.” was a shocking and eye-opening documentary. It was fascinating and at the same time horrifying to learn about what goes on in the food industry that majority of us are not aware of. There are many ethical and moral issues when it comes to how our food is grown, produced, handled and distributed.
One particular issue in the documentary that particularly bothered me was how food is produced in order to feed the masses. Back in the olden days, a crop could only feed handfuls of people but in today’s world, a crop takes care of hundreds. That is a great improvement and advancement for the world. It is great that we can feed more people than we used to be able to. What bothers me is the way that such food is grown and distributed. Everything is done for convenience and for the lowest cost possible. Instead of feeding cows grass like they should, big companies are feeding them corn because it is cheap and abundant. You see “farmer” this or “famer” that on food labels when really it is just the top 4 companies that have mass-produced the food. They want to produce a lot of food on a small amount of land at an affordable price and at the fastest rate possible.
This fast and cheap mass production is where the ethical issues come to play. It is unfair for us to not know what is going on in the farmhouses and factories where our food is produced. The big companies would not even allow the cameramen from “Food, Inc.” to film inside. That there shows me that they are trying to hide something and that they are not making our food the way in which we would hope and expect it to be made. This documentary truly made me want to support my local farmers and small markets where I can find organic foods, grass-fed beef, and chicken that hasn’t been redesigned to have large breasts and grow in 49 days instead of 3 months. I truly am disgusted by the way our food is produced and this film