Plato's Dialogue with Glaucon
Autor: viki • November 15, 2013 • Essay • 1,424 Words (6 Pages) • 1,333 Views
In Plato's dialogue with Glaucon, they discuss about leading a completely just life and a completely unjust life. The just life is full of suffering while the unjust life is full of success. They discuss some of the pros and cons of each life. I would choose the life of the unjust and successful man. I believe it leads to a better and more fulfilling life.
The just man is always believed to be unjust even though he isn't. He ends up getting the "short end of the stick" so to speak. A just man doesn't get the things he wants in life. He is always ridiculed and counted against. In a way he's the odd man in that he's the one that people point the finger and believe him to be unjust. He will not get the things he wants in life. Even things such as joy are not attained by the just man. He's kind of sitting back and waiting for justice to come for him but it never does. The life of an unjust man is sort of sad. He seems weak and powerless and has no control or satisfaction in life. There is no respect that is given to him. Nothing goes his way and in the end he will realize that being completely just is not everything it's meant to be. Though, given the chance, no man would not be able to be corrupted. If given the chance for power or to be corrupt and unjust, it would not be put passed the just man to take opportunity for personal gain.
The unjust man is believed to be just but if caught isn't thought of as completely unjust. This man has power, wealth, prosperity, and leads a much fuller and happier life. He is respected and honored by others for his wealth and status. He seems to do no wrong. People who do injustice to others seem to be better rewarded. They are provided a better life by humans and the gods. They are always on top because they have no quarrel with the thought of being unjust. Being unjust is just a means to get what they want. An unjust man seems to live a much happier and pleasant life. It's more fulfilling in every aspect. Also, it just seems to make more sense to be unjust and lead a more successful life.
By doing injustice, our needs and interests are better served than with being just. There is always someone out there that is willing to be unjust to get an advantage over another person. If we aren't willing to do the same, then we are giving ourselves an unfair advantage and are depriving ourselves of joy and satisfaction. If we don't do the injustice then we will suffer from it. The suffering and pain from receiving an injustice is much more unbearable than doing it. Rather than putting ourselves first, we let someone else take advantage at our expense. This is where I agree that not being unjust is almost a sign of weakness. You're too afraid to be unjust and you let another person take advantage of your weakness and prosper from it.
These people who are weak and powerless value justice. They value justice because they