Autor: andrew • April 5, 2011 • Essay • 503 Words (3 Pages) • 1,451 Views
Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness characterized by hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre
delusions, or disorganized speaking and thinking. People with schzophrenia have an altered
perception of reality and often have a signifcant loss of reality. They may feel a constant fear that
someone is trying to hurt them or that they are being watched. Schizophrenia goes back in
history in many cultures, such as; Egypt, Greece, Rome, and China. It was seen in old document
scripts mentioning disturbances and illusions that people would have commonly seen in
schizophrenics. In old times mental illnesses were thought to be caused by demons and evil
spirits, that were often cured by cruel treatments such as drilling holes in patients heads to
release passage ways for such spirits. As studies and modern science advanced, experts in the
field are not sure what causes it, but they do believe genetic factors play a role. Schizophrenia
affects about 1 in a 100 people worldwide and occurs young women and men equally. In
most cases schizophrenia appears in the late teens or early adulthood. However it can also
occur in the middle ages or even later. Some researchers believe that environmental events may
trigger the illness in people who already are genetically at risk for it. An event such as infection
during the developmentally fetus in mothers womb or a stressful psychological experience can
increase risks for developing the schizophrenia. Different sources in science has shown that
patients with the disorder resulted in abnormalities in the brain which arise early in life and
disrupt the normal developments. These abnormalities involve