Science Case
Autor: tiyou • July 20, 2012 • Essay • 348 Words (2 Pages) • 1,295 Views
Science is everywhere. It has become so interwoven in the fabric of our existence that most of our generation cannot fathom being without it. Science has become so reliable that, to most, it is an unquestionable truth. It has offered people answers time and time again and has provided never before seen comfort and ease.
Through the ignorance of many people, science is seen as never wrong and its failures are attributed to human error rather than scientific fault. In the scientific community, scientists say, “To the best of our knowledge” meaning that they are confident about the result but also know that, in the future, what they believe to be truth now could very well be completely false. So, in the end, it comes down to belief and a desire to find the answers to the questions we all have. All of this is very similar to what religion has been doing for millennial. Belief is the fundamental substance that drives the existence of a religion; belief that their religion offers them the answers to the doubts of life.
Science prides itself in its mathematics, believing that math can define the universe in a way that is understandable to our perception. Some say that everything can be explained in terms of numbers. This is not far off from what ancient civilizations believed. Numbers were thought to be the language of god and only a limited number of people had any profound knowledge of numbers. Essentially only priests and other privileged people were able to learn mathematics at all. Numbers were thought to be divine and, therefore, not everyone was able to comprehend the importance of numbers. Currently, numbers, and therefore mathematics, are used to try and explain all. Physicists are trying to unify all the theories into one Theory of Everything, in order to try and explain every phenomenon that happens in the universe. Some would call that God, depending on how you define it. Science is the new way of looking at our world. It offers us a seemingly