The Differences in Equality
Autor: maxbon2012 • February 18, 2012 • Essay • 1,459 Words (6 Pages) • 1,415 Views
The Differences in Equality
What is your feeling like when someone insults or discriminates against you? You
may dislike it or feel depressed or be angry. One thing for sure, you do not appreciate it.
You do not want this situation to happen any time. However, people with disabilities
often suffer from this problem. The word “disability” which we use to refer to them has a
negative meaning. Sometimes we do not intend to hurt or discriminate against people, but
the word itself has a negative impact on people with disabilities. This negative word does
not encourage people with disabilities to overcome their physical defects. It will make
them feel that they are useless and always have to depend on others for help. That seems
to shut out their opportunities to have a career in the society. There are still many traits
inside a person with a disability that we do not know. So, we should change our negative
attitude and negative language we use with disabilities people because they may have
more abilities than the language lead us to believe.
Our society consists of a huge number of disabled people. Texas council for
development disabilities found that about 49 million Americans or one out of five, that
have disabilities (1). People who have physical defects from accidents, mental health
diagnosis, or brain injury, they are known as people with disabilities. Our common sense
lead us to believe that these people have lesser ability to learn, understand, respond or
control themselves. From the negative word we refer to them, we devalue and disrespect
them as they are not equal to non-disabled people. The negative images portray them as
helpless and dependable on charity for care. So, we should use positive word every time
we refer or call people with disability in order to respect, inspire and motivate them to
become stronger.
Language is a reflection of how people see each other. So the words we use can