The Road to Hell Case
Autor: ChinkyChoy144 . • May 10, 2015 • Essay • 808 Words (4 Pages) • 2,665 Views
The case “The Road to Hell” by Gareth Evans is a short story about two individuals with different backgrounds that both are employed by the Caribbean Bauxite Company of Barracania in the West Indies. The first character is John Barker who is 45 years old, the chief engineer, and an English expatriate. The other character is Matthew Rennalls who is younger Barracanian that attended 4 years at London University which made him sensitive to any signs of condescension on the part of expatriates and western influence. The two were aware of the racial consciousness as it proved to be a barrier to overcome. The two characters were set to have one last meeting to discuss Rennalls taking Barkers position. In this final meeting instead of Rennalls accepting the job, he resigns as a result of Barker’s parting advice.
In this case there are two individuals from different backgrounds and cultures. When dealing with others it is important to be respectful and mindful of other people’s beliefs, views, and opinions. People who are raised in a different society and culture will differ from each other. Something that may not seem inappropriate in one culture may be extremely disrespectful in another. Barker knew about the racial barrier between him and Rennalls, but failed to see how his words could be misinterpreted or be offensive. Barker offered advice and spoke to what he viewed as positive traits that he saw in Rennalls. This was all from the perspective of Barker who was raised in a different culture than Rennalls, even though he did not mean to offend Rennalls he did unintentionally. Barker spoke about how Europeans will always occupy senior positions and how they have about 300 years of development, basically saying that the Barracanians were inferior to the Europeans. In this case we can see the saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Using this case and applying the Theory of Cultural Determinism one can see how these two individuals have very different views and opinions on things. Oxford reference defines Cultural Determinism Theory as the stance that common patterns of behavior, attitudes, and values which persist for generations are the result of cultural factors rather than biological or other factors (nurture vs nature). In this case Barker and Rennalls grew up and were exposed to different cultures and societies thus shaping their views and beliefs. Barker speaks to the success of the Europeans while belittling the Barracanians did so unconsciously and unintentionally maybe because of the people he is used to being around or working with. In the beginning of the case it explains how Barker is aware of Rennalls racial sensitivity, political views, and intolerance to his race and country due to his experience at London University. Due to Cultural Determination, Barker thought his parting words to Rennalls were helping and motivating, but Rennalls was instead offended because of their different values and views on culture and race.