Case Study: Is Money the Key to Success?
Autor: 391423761amber • May 13, 2013 • Case Study • 580 Words (3 Pages) • 1,917 Views
1. Compare and contrast the behavioural profiles of Tom and Luke. Are they suited to their current jobs?
Answer: In my opinion, both of them are not suited to their current jobs. Tom was not able to take advantage of the full range of training that he has obtained from his high education and professional qualifications. Due to the narrow focus of his job, he was unable to use a comprehensive and unbiased knowledge to serve his clients. In addition, Tom felt sick and somewhat depressed under strong working pressure. In these negative aspects, Tom is not suited to his job.
In the contrast, for Luke, this is a really good job and he can do whatever he wants. But for AFS and other staff, Luke is not suited to this job, because he isn’t a good manager. Firstly, he is highly disorganised and can’t make decision well. Secondly, he can't use people skills very well. Thirdly, he is impatient and he doesn’t know how to motivate his staff. For example, he usually threatens staff and treats them very unfairly.
2. With reference to relevant motivational theories, analyse the work environment at AFS. What issues can you identify?
Answer: There are three major motivational theories: Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory, McClelland’s learned needs theory and four-drive theory.
Based on the model of Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory, there are five basic categories (from lowest needs to highest needs), including physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualisation. AFS can't satisfy staff’s safety needs. For example, Tom had negative health issues or staffs were threatened by Luke. Besides, AFS also can’t satisfy the needs of belongingness, esteem and self-actualisation. Firstly, Luke’s communications with staff were based on negative