Conceptualizing Addiction
Autor: Leslie4660 • December 18, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,189 Words (5 Pages) • 803 Views
Conceptualizing Addictions
Tiffany Sky Mendoza
D. Goodson
Conceptualizing Addictions
The history of addiction goes back centuries, and unfortunately, there is still a long way to go for people to realize the effects of chemical substances do more harm than good. The difference between drug use and abuse relies heavily on a person’s dependence on the substance. The line between the differences is often a very fine. Depending on other factors involved, such as, morals, values, environment, and genetic predisposition, the line will most likely be crossed without regard to the consequences until treatment and recovery are the only options left.
Chart Summarizing Five Addictive Drugs:
Type of Drug and Class | Effects on the brain | Effects on the body | How it is likely to influence behavior | Effects of long term use |
LSD: other names Acid, Blotter, Blue Heaven, Cubes, Microdot, Yellow Sunshine is a hallucinogen | Emotional swings, distortion of a person perception of reality, difficulty in communicating with others and cannot think rationally | Individuals may experience raised blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, dry mouth, loss of appetite, sweating numbness, weakness, tremors, dizziness and insomnia | LSD effects each person different really it depends on your mood when you take it. So it can cause paranoia and fear. other to laugh and prompting some to engage in dangerous and violent behavior. | Frightening flashbacks (called Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)); ongoing visual disturbances, disorganized thinking, paranoia and mood swings, can even cause a person to go crazy and end up in a mental hospital. |
Ketamine: Cat, Valium Vitamin K, and Special K it is a legal prescription anesthetic for both people and animals | Problems with attention, memory, confusion, learning, they individual can feel disconnected from their body and environment | Cannot move and to the point where the person is immobile, raised blood pressure, unconsciousness and slowed breathing that can result in death. | Very likely because it disrupts a person’s ability to think and communicate rationally, and then again, some people may recognize reality which can sometimes result in bizarre or dangerous behavior. | After years of taking the drug can cause respiratory depression, heart rate abnormalities, and withdrawal syndrome. |
PCP, (also known as Phencyclidine): Angel Dust, Love Boat, Hog this is a dissociative drug/intravenous anesthetic | Delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, problems thinking, a sense of distance from one’s environment and anxiety | Low doses: cause slight increase in breathing, increased blood pressure and heart rate; shallow breathing, face redness and sweating; numbness of hands and feet plus problems with movement. High doses: lowered blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing rate, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, flicking up and down of the eyes, drooling, loss of balance, dizziness, violence, suicidal thoughts, seizures, coma and death | Very Likely they misinterpret calm confrontations Keand respond with violence. The person can become aggressively or violently against others or themselves. Such behaviors can be because the individual may have mental illness. Thinking they themselves cannot be harmed (example: thinking they can cross the street quickly enough to avoid the traffic but they really are not and get hit by the car. | Memory loss, problems with speech and thinking, depression, weight loss and anxiety. This drug has been linked to self - injury |
Kratom: other names are Herbal Speedball, Biak-Biak, Ketum, Kahuam, Ithang, Thom. | Two compounds in Kratom leaves are mitragynine and – hydroxymitragynine interact with the brain, producing sedation, pleasure, and decreased pain especially when users consume large amounts of the plant. When its taken in small amounts the receptors in the brain produce stimulants causing increased energy, sociability, and being alert instead of sedated. | The effects on the body are sensitivity to sunburn, nausea, itching, sweating, dry mouth, constipation, increased urination, loss of appetite | Psychotic symptoms have been reported in some users. | Since kratom is like other opioid drugs individuals may cause dependence and having physical withdraw symptoms. Individual that become addicted have withdrawal symptoms such as: muscle aches, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggression, emotional changes, runny nose, jerky movements. ` |
Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts); other names Bloom, Cloud, Nine, Cosmic, Blast, Flakka, Ivory Wave, Lunar Wave, Scarface, Vanilla Sky, White Lighting. This is a stimulant. | Researchers found that synthetic cathinone’s are chemically like amphetamines, cocaine and MDMA. Brain affects are like cocaine but at least 10 times more powerful. The effects this drug produces are: Paranoia-extreme and unreasonable distrust of others Hallucinations-experiencing sensations and images that seem real though they are not Increased sociability Increased sex drive Panic attacks and suicidal thoughts, cloudy thinking, depression, anxiety and psychotic behavior. | Things that can happen to an individual’s body are nosebleeds, sweating, and nausea. People that experience excited delirium suffer from dehydration, breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue and kidney failure, reduced motor control, increased heart a Intoxication from synthetic cathinone has resulted in death associated from snorting and needle injection. | Heavy usage will can cause paranoia, panic attacks, anxiety and depression and it increases sociability. It also makes people angry and violent. | Breaking down of skeletal muscle tissue, kidney failure, death |