Female Inferiority to Men
Autor: andrey • April 10, 2011 • Essay • 4,152 Words (17 Pages) • 2,001 Views
Sex differences and the belief of female inferiority have been investigated for many years. They have been investigated for structural differences in the brains of males and females, the hypothesis of greater male variability, and maternal instinct and what that shows about the female nature. As time goes on and more studies are done the definitions of these three thoughts will always change to fit the findings and beliefs of the issue.
Psychology and the Myth of Female Inferiority to Men
For decades there have been rising controversies and arguments against the issue and belief of female inferiority to men. It is unbelievable how many theories have been brought to the table for this issue and all the topics they fall under. For example a few of the topics include heredity which talks about the sex chromosome and what role it plays in a person's biology, physical development which talks about the development of the skeleton of a person, motor ability or the topic of one's brain development, sensation and perception or the study of ones senses and development of those senses, memory, attention, judgment and reasoning in which they study a women's judgment and reasoning compared to that of a male, general intelligence and so much more. Of course with all these topics came the studies and experiments to accompany the conclusions. Why would all these conclusions favor the male population one might ask, because males were most likely to be the ones performing them. These conclusions wouldn't change until women psychologists stepped in, made themselves noticed, challenged these conclusions and proved that women were equal. With so many theories and ideas supporting both biological and psychological differences in females and males that show inferiority one wouldn't blame a person better yet a women for not wanting to even try to challenge these beliefs. It would take someone with courage and knowledge and who believed in standing up against this prejudice that has been going on since before anyone could remember. It would take someone who would be willing to go against society's belief and the status quo, it would take a women.
One might ask why this was such a debatable issue at this time and why it had such an impact. At this point in time during the 1900's