The Causes of Men Use Domestic Violence
Autor: zhengyi0828 • November 12, 2011 • Essay • 607 Words (3 Pages) • 1,884 Views
Domestic violence, one of main society’s problem, it may start when one partner feels
the need to control and dominate the other. Men, an important role in society, are the
main abuser in the domestic violence. There are varieties kind of abuse, the abuse can be
physical, sexual, emotional or a combination of all three. Although men know using
domestic violence is wrong but still doing it because of their personal character; they are
under pressure and the lack of social systems.
Men become the abuser because of their personality traits. Men’s personal personality
traits, can be extreme thought, control freak and believe, are the main reason cause
domestic violence. Sometimes men think their wives lives promiscuously, they usually
do not allow their wives talk to other men even just to greet. Men also feel they need to
control their partner, because of their low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, difficulties in
regulating anger and other strong emotions, they need to release their emotions, then their
partner become their first choice. Men who with traditional beliefs think they have right
to control their wives as well. Because of the traditional thought of “Man is superior to
woman”, men thought they control their wives and abuse them is logically. Therefore,
men’s personality traits can be cause domestic violence.
Under pressure may lead men to use domestic violence to vent pressure. Violence is
not always caused by stress, but may be one way that some people respond to stress. As
the main labor of family men needs to experience lots of pressure. Men, the backbone
of the family, need go to work to keep family goes well, and they need to experience the
pressure more than women. When they are unable to economically support their wives,
and maintain control, they may turn to use violence as ways to express. In some cases,
men abase themselves to their wives’ background, they