Males Will Be More Prone Towards Internet Addiction Than Females - Lab Report
Autor: Sara0121 • September 7, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,880 Words (8 Pages) • 1,543 Views
Males will be more prone towards internet addiction than females
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The topic for this lab report is impact of internet addiction on the youth. Specifically talking about the youth of today to highlight the very dependency of internet use that is of concern in the current generation. The use of internet is rapidly growing in all spheres of life due to the enormous amount of information it offers, virtually rebounding answer to every possible question a person asks. However, if not used for a positive and constructive purpose, this immensely useful technology can also backfire. This report will look into the negative impact of internet use that leads to internet addiction, what are the possible factors and what are the various reasons an individual becomes an internet addict and the prevalence of which gender to be more prone towards developing internet addiction.
Hypothesis: Males will be more prone towards internet addiction than females
Some years ago, the only people who spent a majority of their leisure time on the computer were paid members of the technology industry. As the web has become a part of mainstream life, some mental health professionals have noticed that a percentage of people using the web do so in a compulsive, addictive and out of control manner. For better or for worse, this compulsive Internet use has been termed 'Internet Addiction' based on its superficial similarity to common addictions such as smoking, drinking, and gambling. Internet Addiction has even been championed as an actual disorder, notably by psychologists Kimberly Young, PhD and David Greenfield, Ph.D.
In a true addiction a person becomes completely dependent on the internet to the point where obtaining a supply of stimulation is extremely necessary for that person and is a central focus of that person’s life. Some differences have been found among people who use the internet in a positive and healthy way and between those who don’t. For example, Individuals with Internet Addiction were found to be more interested towards interactive Internet applications, which includes activities such as chatting and shopping, whereas those individuals who are not addicted to the internet and are non dependant on it and are almost quite often sending emails and searching for information.(Young, 2006). Prevalence of internet addiction is found to be more