Psy 430 - Conflict Resolution Process Paper
Autor: Tina Freitag • February 9, 2017 • Research Paper • 990 Words (4 Pages) • 1,020 Views
Conflict Resolution Process Paper
Matthew Markle, Tina Freitag, Lance Powell, Kahleeka Barton, Walter Washington
February 6, 2017
Phil Novick
Every person probably in the world runs into the one issue when having to deal with one or more other people and that is conflict. Why does conflict arise? Is it because the people do not get along or simply a matter of a difference of opinion? Some people like just to agree and do what is necessary to not rock the boat or cause tension amongst the group. Others are opinionated and open, but will not allow themselves the ability to see a different viewpoint on the matter. In this paper, we will show a conflict and what techniques can be utilized to heal a team from a conflict and press forward united.
Personality clashes between team members can cause a range of interpersonal conflicts to arise. Teams may feel bullied or pushed by more authoritarian team members or may perceive a lack of guidance from a more hands-off member. Members with type-A personalities may set goals that are too ambitious for their other teammates, setting them up for failure and inevitable conflict. The best way to handle these personalities mismatches, first try to garner an understanding between team members so that each understands the others' perspective in the situation. Never treat conflict members as if they don't belong as if some team members feel they are inherently right and others are inherently wrong this is a reliable way to lose good team member. (Matteson, 2011)
In a team or group setting there is going to be some conflict. Levi (2014) stated, “Conflict of various types are natural part of the team process” (pg.1). The strategy is to come up with a solution to the conflict. Individuals in the team can use their personal strengths for managing conflict. For example, by viewing issues differently and learning from one another suggestions and ideas (Levi, 2014). Another is using an approach of compromising. Compromising is one way in which to balance the goals of each participant and the relations among the teams is for everyone to “give in “a little (Levi,2014).
The best technique to use is excellent communication with an emphasis on clarity of the message. The leader being available to answer any questions and encouraging the team members to communicate with each other will help clear any confusion on the task. The collaboration management technique is the technique that ultimately resolved the problem. Collaboration is "When both sides of a conflict have important concerns, the team needs to search for solutions that satisfy everyone. This requires both cooperativeness and respect for others’ positions” (Levi, 2014).