A Worship That Pleases God
Autor: qcorbin • December 16, 2014 • Essay • 2,155 Words (9 Pages) • 1,682 Views
A Worship that Pleases God
Amos 5:21-25
The idea of worship and what it is has been warped in this society. People today think worship is just going to a building on Sundays and giving God time for one to two hours and singing praises to God during that time. We have the concept that we have worshipped God, if we shouted or caught the Holy Spirit as the old saints would say. God showed up and showed out in church today. However, those things are not worship. Worship is what we the people of God should offer to God. We should have an extravagant respect and devotion to the one true God, the creator of heaven and earth and God who gives us the breath of life daily. We the people of this awesome God should have a reverence for God which is shown with our deep respect and honor towards God. We should honor and worship the very nature and essence of God, not what God does for us or the gifts we receive from God. The essence of God’s being is what we should worship. We should use our worship as an effort to demonstrate what God is worth to us in our lives today.
Worship is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our personal priority list. God should be the first person we seek in the morning and aim to please. Why? God enables us to see new mercies and grace every morning we are allowed to wake up and see a new day. Not only should God be the first person we seek to please in the morning; God should be the person we seek to please before going to sleep that night. We should mediate on the word of God so that we are dreaming the word and we should pray and thank God for allowing us to complete another day without hurt, harm or danger. Worship is living a lifestyle which has evidence God is at work and present in our lives; people should not have to wonder if you worship the one true God, it should be evident in your life. Worship is allowing God to have full reign in our lives. When God business is our business and God’s agenda is our agenda, the kingdom of God is magnified. Worship is a spiritual discipline. Worship is not the songs we sing in our one to two hour church services on Sunday. Worship is not preaching a good sermon and getting a lot of amens. Worship is not volunteering for a ministry and working that ministry. Worship is not the amount of money we place in the offering baskets on Sunday, worship is not that we know the proper protocol of the service, knowing when to stand, when to clap, when to shout or when to sit down. These are all expressions of worship but they do not define worship what worship is.
We have become just like the people of Israel in our text. We are so caught up in our protocol, day to day activities, orders of the church service and time restraints so that we can ensure people can leave church and have enough time to watch the football game, to run errands before the weekend