Compare and Contrast Matthew 14: 22-33 with Mark 6: 45-52
Autor: namaya • November 6, 2016 • Essay • 466 Words (2 Pages) • 1,682 Views
Compare and contrast Matthew 14: 22-33 with Mark 6: 45-52
The walking on the water story is very similar in Matthew and Mark. In the beginning, both of the stories have the same beginning. Although Matthew’s seems to have inserted a few more words on his beginning then on Marks. The stories differ after Jesus says, “Take Courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” In Matthew’s gospel, Mathew talks about Peter. Peter tells Jesus to command him, (Peter) to walk on the water towards him (Jesus). Peter got out of the boat and walked towards Jesus. Peter got frightened and started to sink; he then asked Jesus to help him. Jesus told him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” In Mark’s gospel, the story of Peter was not included at all. After Jesus and Peter got into the boat, both of the stories say that the wind died down. In Matthew’s gospel, the story finishes by saying, “Truly, you are the Son of God.” While in Mark’s the story concludes by saying, “They were astounded. They had not understood the incident of the loaves. On the contrary, their hearts were hardened.” The ending of the same story differs between the two gospels. Mathew portrays the Disciples as leaders and faithful followers of Jesus; while in Mark, Mark puts down the Disciples by saying that their hearts were hardened.
Compare and contrast Matthew 16: 5-12 with Mark 8: 14-21
The two stories are very similar (almost word for word). In both Mathew and Mark, Jesus told the Disciples to be careful with the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Disciples thought that Jesus had said that because they didn’t have brought bread. In Matthew Jesus calls the Disciples, “You of little faith.” In both stories Jesus questioned them if they had not seen the how he provided food for the five thousand and four thousand people. Mathew took out the part when Mark says, “Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Are