Covenants and the Old Testament
Autor: simba • October 1, 2013 • Essay • 639 Words (3 Pages) • 1,341 Views
The Hebrew word berith denotes an arrangement between two parties. In the Old Testament, berith, covenant, largely focuses on the agreement between God and his chosen people, the people of Israel. Moreover, there are three types of covenant. The first is a two-sided covenant that is made between two human parties that voluntarily accept the terms of the agreement (1 Sam. 18:3, 4; Mal. 2:14; Obad. 7). The second is a one-sided disposition appointed by a superior party (Ezek. 17:13, 14). Lastly, the third is God's self-appointed obligation for the reconciliation of sinners to himself (Duet. 7:6-8; Ps. 89: 3, 4). The following will center primarily on the second type of covenant as it is the most relevant to the four major covenants of the Old Testament.
The first major covenant is the Noachian which was between God and Noah. God choose Noah because of his goodness of character (Gen. 9:21). After the biblical flood, Noah built an alter and offered clean beasts as a burnt offering to God. The Lord then promised Noah he would never again send a universal flood. He confirmed this promise with the sign of a rainbow (Gen. 8:21-22; 9:9-17). In addition to the Lord blessing Noah and his family to multiply and fill the earth (Gen. 9:1), he also received the covenant laws which he was to apply to the whole future human race (Gen. 9:17)
The second covenant is the Abrahamic which was between God and Abraham. God choose Abraham because of his long faith. The Lord promised Abraham that his seed would be fruitful and his children inherit the land of Canaan (Gen. 17:8). As a sign of their agreement God ordered that every male among him be circumcised of the flesh of their foreskin (Gen. 17:9-14). The heavenly father also promised to Abraham the birth of an heir by his wife Sarah, whom was to be named Isaac (Gen. 22:2). Through Isaac the Lord would continue his covenant (Gen. 17:21). After the birth of Isaac, God tested Abraham's faith by ordering him to sacrifice