Autor: Arjun Chopra • February 11, 2019 • Essay • 267 Words (2 Pages) • 932 Views
As a general rule, Hinduism does not tend to follow the traditional labeling conventions that we in the West are comfortable with given its Judeo-Christian history. Hinduism, at face value, is in fact polytheistic faith. With multiple gods and goddesses, it would seem as though it is the participle definition of polytheistic. However, a closer examination of these beliefs and the history of Hinduism reveals that the answer may not be as black and white.
Hinduism is a collection of beliefs that have been constantly evolving through thousands of years. While the Vedas, Hinduism’s central texts, are often considered to be revelation to many Hindus; many today do not strictly follow its doctrine. In fact, it is almost unheard of for an individual to own a copy of the Vedas, let alone read the texts. Some scholars even consider faiths such as Budish and Jainism to be under the umbrella of Hinduism, however in these faiths there is really no concept of polytheism or monotheism.
It is strange to think, but even the very label of “Hindu” is a western creation. Over the centuries many of these beliefs have changed or interacted with one another, until the Indian subcontinent face multiple invasions, it was not very common for individuals living on the subcontinent to even identify as a Hindu. Geography also plays a major factor in this understanding as well. With such as large geographic area and bosting the second largest population at the time, many beliefs found excellent spawning grounds in different corners of India, often times reach region or city having a unique belief system.