History of Jesus Case
Autor: rodneybaker • December 7, 2014 • Essay • 861 Words (4 Pages) • 1,319 Views
Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity and he was born around 2-6 BCE in Judea somewhere around the city of Bethlehem. Jesus Christ was God in human form here on earth he died for the sins of humankind arose from the dead and went to heaven. Jesus was born to a virgin mother Mary who was married to Joseph who was a carpenter. Jesus taught people how to live as God wanted his children to live closer to him and a more spiritual life. Herod the Great was in power when Jesus was born and when he heard of Jesus birth he gave an order that all male children under the age of two be murdered. Mary and Joseph were warned of the plan of Herod the Great by an Angel of the Lord and they took Jesus to Egypt until Herod died.
When Jesus was a young man the Bible sys that he worked as a carpenter it is when Jesus is around the age of thirty that he is baptized by John and this is when his ministry begins. After his baptism he goes into the desert to fast and meditate for forty days and nights. The devil attempts to coerce Jesus three times but is unsuccessful. The Bible tells us that Jesus had many travels through Judea and Galilee where he performed miracles and preached his message abut God’s kingdom being near. As Jesus following grew and he began to be hailed as the Son of the living God the priests and Pharisees began to be uncomfortable and decided tht he needed to be stopped. During the Passover meal Jesus sat down with the disciples nd told them of his betrayal at the hands of one of them.
The next day Jesus was taken into custody and he was beaten and mocked for claiming to be God in human form. They placed a crown of thorns on his head and he was made to carry the cross on which he would be crucified to Mount Calvary. He was crucified and pronounced dead and entombed nearby. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and his mother three days after being entombed and then he appeared to his disciples and gave them the message do not be afraid go out unto the world and preach my message to all the world. Jesus was then taken on a cloud up into heaven.
The love that God has for his children is just like the relationship between a father and son and the verses