Kanika’s Lessons in Leadership to Dhritarashtra
Autor: Garima Raghuwanshi • November 20, 2015 • Term Paper • 2,510 Words (11 Pages) • 1,517 Views
Kanika’s Lessons in Leadership to Dhritarashtra: Rule2- Use speech as a tool for deception |
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Table of Contents
Rule: The meaning
Applicability in Modern Organizations
Shreyas vs preyas
Productivity and organizational growth
Employee motivation and commitment
Stress levels
In Mahabharata when Yudhisthira is crowned the prince of Hastinapura kingdom by Dhritarasthra, he is not happy as his son Duryodhana will lose the chance to become the king. According to him just because he is blind, his son to pay off for it by not being able to qualify for the kingdom. He becomes jealous of the Pandavas and takes advice from Kanika to deal with this situation as Pandavas has become very famous as they have earned many empires in victories.
Kanika who was also known as Kalinga was one of the inner circles of King Dhritarasthra. He was well known for his knowledge in politics and had expertized to counsel. He was an expert in knowing the evil policies used in politics and was a strategist introduced to Duryodhana by Shakuni. His advice convinced Dhritarasthra to support his son in his evil deeds. By telling a story of a slick jackal which lived in forest and who mastered the art of tricking others, Kalinga shared some of the rules a leader should follow. The principles are from the monologue of Kanika to Dhritarasthra on how to treat the enemies. According to him, King should use Sama, Dama, Danda, Bheda to save his kingdom. Sama means use conciliatory speech, dana means to do charity or buy them, danda means by giving punishment to others and bheda means to use the policy of divide and rule.
One of the principles which is a part of Sama neeti is
Vāṅmātreṇa vinītaḥ syād, hr̥dayena yathā kṣuraḥ
This translates to Use speech as a tool for deception
This rule follows Sama Neeti and is means to use conciliatory speech to deceive the enemies be it the father , son or other relatives.
Rule: The meaning
The above rule from Kanika neeti means that “Confine your sweetness to your words. In your heart, be like the dagger”. This implies that while the one is angry, do not let others know it from your speech or body language. One should always bear smile on their face to deceive others and don’t ever reprove anyone with signs of anger. One should use sweet and humble speech before he strikes and even when he is striking others.