The Criteria to Determine Whether Earth Links Are Religious
Autor: ERMYLDZ • June 11, 2013 • Term Paper • 1,070 Words (5 Pages) • 1,311 Views
This report has been created for my superiors and commanders of our planet to explain whether Planet earth is religious or not. According to book I read by an earth link named Mary Pat Fisher,” religion is a particular response to dimensions of life considered sacred, as shaped by institutionalized traditions”(Fisher, 2011). To clearly define the word religion, from my personal view, religion refers to beliefs and practices, exercised by earth links, who believe in the existence of a supernatural power that needs to be worshipped and respected. Earth links have number of religions and the four major ones are called Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Largest one out of these four is Christianity, followed by Islam, which is considered to be fastest growing one in modern earth day.
The Criteria to Determine Whether Earth links are Religious:
To determine whether the creatures on planet earth religious or not, I used the book written by Mary Pat Fisher and my personal point of view from the countries I visited. United States of America is planet earth’s biggest power and they are very diverse nation. Citizens of this nation are called Americans, and they are very diverse society. Majority of the Americans are Christians and “they are divided in to sub groups; the Catholics, Methodists, and Mormon’s among others” (Fisher, 2011). America is also home to many Muslims, followers of Islam, a religion that is often referred to as Christianity’s biggest challenge in many terms; however, Muslim Americans strongly disagree with this idea. In America, Christians went to church to pray and practice their beliefs; Muslim’s chose a place called Mosque, while Buddhist’s went to temples. Fisher states that, “Although contemporary Christianity was largely shaped in Europe, and it’s North American colonies, the largest percentage of the Christian church now lies in Africa, Latin America and Asia” (Fisher, 2011). My personal beliefs came to the conclusion that majority of the religious shared the same idea; they were just taking different routes to get to the kingdom of God, the creator of all and the universe, including us.
In search of Christianity’s roots, I found out the Christians are following the foot-steps of Jesus, the son of Mary, who suffered so they might live. “Jesus was crucified by Jews through the Romans about 2000 years ago”, states internet organization called Jews, followers of messenger Moses, “has no single founder and no central leader or group making theological decisions, is the diverse tradition associated with the Jewish people, who may be defined either as religious or as an ethnic group” (Fisher, 2011). Jewish people have a very interesting history.
Examples of Behavior or Beliefs I Observed that Met My Criteria
During my visit to planet earth, I noticed a number of lines of behavior