A Report to Justify Why Rospa Meets the Blue Group Research Criteria
Autor: andrew • April 5, 2011 • Case Study • 2,559 Words (11 Pages) • 2,103 Views
A Report to Justify Why RoSPA Meets the Blue Group Research Criteria.
I devised a series of research criteria, relating to six desirable aspects which would be considered important when choosing to join an organization or not. Using this framework, the intention of this report is to argue and justify how my individually chosen organisation (RoSPA) meets the criteria.
Listed below are the aspects considered to be of the highest importance
Succession Planning
Strategic Role
Healthy Challenging Work Environment / Job Satisfaction.
A reasonable Reward System in Relation to the Labor Exchanged.
Research Methodology
This research has been conducted entirely over the internet, whist also being supported by academic principles from the course so far. Using the framework provided, it was my intention to research company web-sites for information about the company's policies, values and beliefs, whilst also reviewing job adverts which may have provided deeper analysis on how individuals in the company are expected to behave and perform.
With this in mind, it was also my intention to consider limitations of the research methodology. Firstly, research has only been based upon opinion and perception. This relates to how the evidence fits the criteria, and also the applicability on how academic theories fit the evidence. Secondly, research has only been conducted over a small scope of media, because of time limitations. For example, further research may want to consider interviews or review independent company reports.
The Organisation
Furthering my original research in the initial blog, I decided to continue researching not for profit organisations. RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) is a non governmental and not for profit organisation, working in support of health. Its sole purpose is to reduce the number of accidents that occur, either at home, work or on the road. Reasons for choosing this particular field are because of a strong personal desire to work for an organisation that changes or helps people's lives.
Succession Planning
Initially the start of my research focused upon the first aspect of the criteria, Succession Planning. It was my intention to gain a "feel for" whether the organisation displayed "actual" evidence of practicing succession planning, rather than finding a specific statement,