Barrier Energy Efficiency in France
Autor: peter • April 6, 2014 • Essay • 406 Words (2 Pages) • 1,592 Views
I can't complain about barriers, I'm living in france where energy technology is advanced, developed and available. It is logical to save money and energy, everyone in France understands that. It is not really barriers, it is more brakes. But indeed It remains social barriers to these implementations.
The first one I see is current French Purchasing power: of course it is much higher than in a majority of other country, but French people have the feeling that the period is hard, and people tighten their belt. There are fundamental and non cancelable expenses, and others are not essential, not now. So spend a lot of money to replace goods or materials that works can be taken for strange and incomprehensible.
Then the problem is also that French people have difficulties to believe in a lot of thing. The energy efficiency is one of these things and I'm also of whom who believed to date that it was exaggerated. By taking the time to calculate the possible saving I discover how it may be valuable to implement long term changes. But a majority of the population thinks it is overdone.
Incentives for energy change as tax credit or bonus are too low. This kind of mechanism exists with green car but don't exist for investment in more energy efficient housing equipment or materials despite it is a first step toward a more renewable and efficient energy society. French government focus on what has more impact in the short term: municipal energy system, whereas individual energy systems are not considered. It's a pity because to change behavior incentives are necessary, who will take them? Attitude will hardly change by themselves.
Depending on the region, the offer in efficient product differs indeed in the south of France, advanced technology for water heater are harder to find than in north of France. But it is true generally than with online purchase we have in France or in Europe access to a large range of technology.