Wind Power Energy
Autor: Antonio • March 14, 2011 • Essay • 1,450 Words (6 Pages) • 1,985 Views
There has been wind in existence for as far back as anyone, scientists included, can remember. If a person could harness the power of the wind, and make energy, economically and environmentally, everyone would want some of it. Would, however, the production of the electricity be "green"? This is a question that has been debated by many people. There are many different websites and articles on this subject. There are always pro's and con's to any debate. Is wind energy "green" or not?
There are articles in minor and major magazines that would tell you wind energy is the best thing there is. Did they come up with this information on their own with scientific proof or did someone pay them to say this? What would happen if turbine windmills were placed all over the world? The noise is a factor that should concern some people. "The noise pollution from a commercial wind turbine is sometimes similar to a small jet engine" (, 2008).
If you have moved to the country to get away from the noise of the big city, something that sounds like a small jet overhead would not be a welcome intrusion. Others are concerned with the wildlife. The noise from the windmills might make the wildlife find other places to make their homes. This is already being done by the development of rural areas. The animals then get into the city and are killed by cars or made to live their lives in cages because they have been trapped in a neighborhood, and no one wants them there.
Should the wildlife have to suffer because something may be cheaper or less damaging to the environment? This is up to each person to decide. Some animals reproduce in quiet, out of the way places. The noise could prevent them from doing so, thereby harming the bird families.
The birds are at risk because of the blades. Many birds and bats have been killed due to the blades on the turbine windmills. Most people would not and do not care. I feel that the flying creatures of the world should also be taken into account because they are also needed to keep the environment natural and clean. If most of the birds around the world are killed by the windmills, the insect population would increase. Also, the birds that are killed, like the hummingbird, or other nectar drinking birds, would not be able to help pollinate the trees and flowers. This would cause different species of plants to die off because they cannot reproduce.
If, say a fan housing, were to be placed over the blades, with small enough holes, the birds could not get through, would this be a solution to one of the problems with the turbine windmills? I think we should ask the birds. At the same time, the bats are still being killed because they can get through smaller places and they fly with echo location. If they do not feel a solid presence, they think it is safe to go on. Therefore, they are in greater danger than