Wind, Water and Solar Energy
Autor: angelomikhail • January 11, 2012 • Essay • 370 Words (2 Pages) • 2,016 Views
Wind, Water and Solar Energy:
An Alternative Solution to Power Shortage and Global Warming
We face an energy crisis, since gas and oil resources such as petroleum are diminishing. An energy crisis or power shortage is any great shortfall or price rise in the supply of energy resources to an economy. It also refers to the shortage of oil, electricity or other natural resources.
Oil or fossil fuel and nuclear energy are our primary source of energy. But this two have negative effects on humans and also to our environment. Experts say that the supply of oil which is non-renewable will soon be no longer available due to the continuous increase on demand. Although technology has made the production and use of oil in a cleaner way, it is still not enough because the population of earth that rely on it dramatically increases.
In response to the oil crisis and the possibility of a massive power shortage, the idea of green energy and sustainable living or the limiting and decreasing the dependency on oil and earth’s natural resources if not totally replacing it caught the attention of our world leaders. We now seek alternative power supplies. Sustainable living requires the use of sustainable source of energy. Those that are renewable, or those that are abundant in nature, readily available and must not harm the environment. Renewable energy comes from wind, which are used in windmills just like in Ilocos Norte, here in the Philippines; water, which includes hydroelectric power plants; and sun, for solar power plants. But to produce electricity with all these is expensive that’s why it should be done on a large scale.
At domestic level, alternate methods like solar, biogas and other methods are being tried for mere survival. But we need to put it on a higher level, internationally and globally. But to put this into reality we need a huge scale of investment and the