Could the Earliest Life Forms Have Come from Outer Space?
Autor: vd23006 • October 9, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,925 Words (8 Pages) • 1,438 Views
If there could be something mysterious, complicated, and still unknown in the world that would be nothing other than the origin of life. We all sort of know what life is, but has anyone wondered what it is exactly made up of, how did it originated, from where did it originated, and why did it originated. There are plenty of answers to these questions, but we still do not know if they can be trusted fully, not even today in the 21st century. The reason behind it is that, even though the scientists found proofs and evidences to support their hypothesis, there is always that one part which states that they cannot guarantee it. Life is something really precious, and that is probably the reason, many of us believe in the theory of Special creation, which states all the different forms of life on planet earth have been created by a superior power (God). Being religious, knowing that there are theories which state that there is a possibility that the earlier life forms from came from the outer space really interests me. However, there are several other theories which states different views about how the earlier life was formed.
So, what are life’s important components and what it is made up of exactly? All the living organisms on the planet earth are built from the six essential ingredients namely carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Each of these elements plays an important role. Carbon, as it can easily enter into the other carbon atoms, is the perfect building block for large organic molecules. Nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen are abundant; moreover each of them are able to show the acid-base effects that allows them to bond with carbon to make amino acids, fats, lipids, and the nucleo-bases from which DNA and RNA are built. Next, sulfur arranges for electron shuffle, which eventually help in catalyzing reactions. Phosphorous plays an important role in metabolism as polyphosphate molecules like ATP are capable of storing energy in their chemical bonds.
Billion years ago, it was normal when the planet earth was showered by meteorites. In fact, the journey of the question whether the life came on earth from outer space started when a meteorite, Grave Nunataks 95229, was found in Antarctica in 1995 by the group of researchers. Antarctica is still best place in the world to find meteorites as the cold and dry conditions preserve them well and they are easy to find on the ice (Bowdler, Neil). At this point, there were some scientists who believed that Earth did not have basic molecules such as nitrogen to develop any forms of life (Dr. Caroline Smith, Expert from Natural History Museum in London). However, nitrogen is one of the essential elements of the life, and so scientists posed a doubt that if the earth did not possessed many of the compounds necessary for life including enough nitrogen, then where did it come from? In addition, it is said that the earlier atmospheric environments of the earth were not right