Gemstones Are Precious Jewels
Autor: felici4u • July 23, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,181 Words (5 Pages) • 2,174 Views
Gemstones Are Precious Jewels
Mother Nature produced precious stones known as Gems. Gems can be found in many different parts of the world. In general a gem is a mineral, rock or petrified material that can be cut and polished. It is also a collectible or can serve as a precious piece of jewelry. This essay will provide readers with the history of gems (how they originate), and how they are associated with astrology. I've chosen to teach readers about the emerald, ruby, and sapphire.
Gems are wonderful stones that date back to ancient times. The majority of gems were formed in the crust of the earth between a three and twenty five mile radius. There are a few gemstones that were formed in the earth’s mantle and they are the diamond and peridot. The one thing that all gemstones have in common is they were mined in a crust. The crust they were mined in is better known as igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock. During the igneous rock process magma is solidified. One of the interesting things that sometimes happens is magma from the mantle can rise to the earth’s crust through volcanic pipes. The mantle is made of magma which has a strong top layer. Included in the list of gems that come from the igneous rock is the precious emerald (Gem Select).
When rocks have gone through a metamorphic cycle or had tectonic plate interactions, the igneous and sedimentary rocks and minerals were in a situation where heat or pressure caused changes to the texture and crystal structure. The ruby and sapphire are
two of the precious gemstones that are members of the metamorphic and rock family.
The one thing that rocks and minerals have in common is that they are always changing which is better known as the rock cycle. Igneous rock has the ability to change into sedimentary or metamorphic rock while sedimentary rock has the ability to change into metamorphic or igneous rock. And, metamorphic rock has the ability to change into igneous or sedimentary rock but it is a time consuming process for all of the transformations to take place (Gem Select).
Gems also have a great connection to astrology. Many human beings follow astrology and they truly believe that the sun and moon has the ability to control our mood. There are many who will forever believe that zodiac signs and birth stones have great validity in our makeup, and why we do the things we do. There are astrologers who believe if we wear the proper gemstone humans can provoke or prevent good or bad things from happening. Based on the astrologer Vedic, gemstones are associated with planets as well. Rubies are associated with the sun, emeralds are associated with mercury and sapphires are associated with Saturn (All about Gemstones).
Gemstones come in many different colors, shapes, sizes and have many different names. Three of the most precious stones are the emerald,